Finally - A Book On How to Work For Equity in Technology Companies!
When I realized that there was a pattern and process for building wealth by working for tech equity, I knew I had to write this book.
But I didn’t want it to be based on my experience alone, I wanted to get input from others doing it too, to create a real, actionable playbook.
The journey, while hard, has been so worth it, and I can’t wait to get this book into your hands soon.
While you wait for me to put the finishing touches on the book, I've created something you can use today: A guide to the three things you need to do when you get tech equity--and one thing you should never do.
Grab it now.
The Day GitLab Went Public (My Second IPO!)

It's Really Happening!
Calling all financially focused technology employees that are looking for a framework of how to work for equity in technology that has worked for many others.
For all of you that know working for tech equity is not a gamble and want to know how I and others have done it. THIS IS FOR YOU!
Full-Length Book. With worksheets and a step by step framework to execute. Complete with fresh book smell.
This Book is Just the Beginning!
If you want the behind the scenes look, get updates, and an insiders’ view then join the C3 Circle.
Join the Circle!
Interested in being a part of a community of financially-focused technology employees who work for equity? Then the C3 Circle is for you. Learning along with other C3 members, you'll discover how to think like an investor about your career. You'll explore ideas and methods for compounding your career earnings. Most importantly, you'll hear from other tech workers who've done it so you can apply their proven processes to your own career to maximize your equity and generate wealth.
What Is Happening in The C3 Circle
- The book’s purpose and how it all came together!
- Details and sneek peeks on what the book looks like and what comes with it.
- My behind-the-scenes process
- Celebration moments as I lead up to the launch
- Fun exclusive extras that are going to come alongside the big release
- Tour in your city? Let’s see what happens! Pre-order dates and, um who knows, a book
- Preview of a worksheets that show you how to evaluate tech companies and negotiate equity
- And, of course, more, because I want to deliver value like that.

Give Me The Deets!
Well many tech employees (including myself at one point) think working for equity in technology companies is a gamble.
I was wrong, there is a pattern, a framework. After some digging I figured it out.
Working for equity in technology companies isn’t a gamble—It’s an investment (If you know what you’re doing.)
When trading your time and talent for tech equity, it pays to think like an investor. Having a clear plan about your career - and taking an investor’s approach when executing your plan - puts you in control of your career, building your wealth, and creating the life you desire.
From No Dough to IPO
This is the only playbook for technology professionals looking to invest theri time and talent in technology companies. Get an insider view with actionable steps so that you too can get equity in the best tech companies.
What is the book about?
It spells out in clear, concise detail, the steps you need to take to position yourself as an asset in demand by all types of technology companies. Using real-world examples of people who’ve been through multiple IPOs and acquisitions, and worked for equity in some of the biggest names in tech, No Dough To IPO walks you through how you can use those targeted career opportunities to maximize your career, equity, and wealth.
Who is this book for?
Whether you are just starting your career in technology, in the middle, or looking to finish your career strong, this book has something for you. Are you an engineer or designer wanting to transition into product management? A salesperson or marketer looking for your next opportunity? A financial analyst or customer support rep eager to be a part of something bigger? This book will give you the insight and strategy you need to simultaneously grow your career and build wealth.
What will I learn?
You’ll go where most technology employees would love to go. This book is an insider’s view of how to grow a career in the technology industry while using that career to turn your time and talent into equity and wealth. This playbook includes all the steps, resources, examples, and exercises needed for you to succeed in the dynamic tech industry.
This book will give you the insight and strategy you need to grow your career & build wealth simultaneously.
Your Virtual Tech Career and Money Mentor
As a 20 year technology executive, I have had plenty of failures, successes, and seen it all. The one thing I noticed was as a community we don’t talk enough about our careers and money together. Plenty of peers and mentors helped me find a path through my career. Now I am on a mission to bring that to you. I want to bring the best learnings, experiences and provide tools to help you grow your career, build wealth and make an impact.